Just when you think you have figured out how best to leverage search engine optimization (SEO) to effectively promote your business and website, Google changes things up. Last month, marketers began to notice changes in Google’s algorithms but no one expected anyone at Google to comment on these changes. And then, uncharacteristically, they did.

Google tells us that changes have been made to its primary algorithm which measures quality content. These changes are related to how often content is shared across social media channels, as well as the amount of time visitors spend on a website. The following article spells out these changes in more detail: http://searchenginewatch.com/sew/how-to/2409919/has-google-turned-up-social-signals-as-a-ranking-factor

Change can be frightening, especially when your business and livelihood are on the line. While there is no reason to panic, the changes Google has put in place are an important reminder of why it is crucial to have a solid SEO strategy in place. A strategy that is focused not only on sustaining your current SEO ranking but on increasing it, as well. Your SEO strategy also should ensure that you avoid penalties that lead to poor rankings. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246371?ctp=BizDev&src=Syndication&msc=FoxNews

We’ve known for quite some time that mobile websites are vital to a company’s success. With more and more people accessing the internet from their mobile devices, companies without mobile apps are seriously lagging behind the competition. And with new changes to the Google algorithm, a mobile friendly website is more important than ever. http://searchenginewatch.com/sew/how-to/2402354/mobile-optimization-and-the-google-algorithm-change-7-steps-to-stay-friendly

Running a successful business can take up a great deal of your time and energy. When you have the added pressure of keeping up with SEO changes, producing quality content, and constantly updating your social media sites, you may be wondering how you can possibly do it all. At GoLeads, we’re here to help. We can provide you with the guidance and support you need to make sure that your business takes advantage of the changes in SEO, including its emphasis on mobile apps and social media. All while leaving you free to concentrate on your core business.

If your business doesn’t participate in social media marketing, it’s missing out on numerous opportunities traditional marketing cannot produce. Thinking about starting online marketing might be daunting, but when done correctly and with a plan, social media marketing is a cost-effective, simple way to grow your business. It will increase your sales leads, grow your brand recognition and provide excellent opportunities for clear customer-based communication. Social media marketing should be started today, if it isn’t already happening.Use these tips to start your social media marketing:
Define your Goals: Your online marketing should help grow your business and increase brand awareness. It should:

  • Build authority
  • Provide direct connection between customer and your company
  • Educate and inform customers
  • Gain inbound links
  • Generate leads & drive sales
  • Improve customer service
  • Learn more about your target audience
  • Monitor brand reputation
  • Reach new channels of customers
Develop a Plan: Use a social media marketing plan to provide more sales leads, grow your business and maintain what you’ve already got. Your plan should include a:

  • Schedule
  • Ways to build Relationships
  • Plans to stay the Course
  • Ways to measure the Results
  • Enough flexibility to make the Right Tweaks
Determine the Methods: With so many different methods for social media marketing, determine your target audience, figure out where they will most likely see you, and focus on a few online mediums rather than all of them at once. A few popular places to grow your business online include:

  • Your quality Web site
  • Your company Blog
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Google +
Create and Maintain a Schedule: Create a schedule of what you’ll post, when you’ll post and when you’ll respond to others comments and posts.
Ways you can Measure Social Media Marketing Success: With so many different methods for social media marketing, determine your target audience, figure out where they will most likely see you, and focus on a few online mediums rather than all of them at once. A few popular places to grow your business online include:

5 Ways To Improve Telemarketing Sales