social media presence

No matter how small your business, social media can help you connect with your audience, identify new leads, and increase brand awareness. However, none of this will be possible unless you remain true to who you are as a small business and make sure your brand personality shines through when posting. In other words, always remember that one size does not fit all.

At GoLeads, we’ve come up with the six content marketing trends we believe will make the biggest impact going forward:

An article from Marketing Round, 16 Creative Ways to Generate Business Leads Virtually, talks about the importance of thinking outside of the box to connect virtually with potential customers in these unprecedented times.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made lead generation especially difficult. It is in times like these that small businesses need to come up with new and different ways to attract leads – while sticking to the tried-and-true methods, as well, including SEO, content marketing, direct mail and email marketing.

While the tried-and-true sales-driven cold call should not be completely abandoned, it is important to toss some new methods into the lead generation mix. In fact, it is at times like these that you should consider a digital marketing team (in-house or outsourced) to help target your cold calls. In other words, digital marketing research will allow you to spend your time on prospects who are likely to convert, instead of using the time-consuming and less effective blind cold calling.