Tag Archive for: GoLeads

Email marketing is a great way to reach new customers. And while landing new customers is an outstanding reason to use email marketing, it isn’t the only one.

Customer loyalty is another reason to employ email marketing. After all, customer loyalty is essential to the success of any business. Further, it is much more expensive to obtain a new customer than it is to retain a current one. And according to a recent study, email marketing did more to promote customer loyalty than social media.

Of course, using email to attract new customers and using it to retain current ones require slightly different tactics. Therefore, it’s important to know how to implement an email campaign that specifically targets your existing customers. What follows are some tips that will help make sure that you are engaging current customers with your email efforts.

  1. Get personal. A person’s name in the subject line is proven to increase open rates and increase spending! One study showed that transaction rates were more than 20 percent higher when an email was personalized in this manner.
  2. Remember that content is still king. Content that connects, educates and inspires is particularly important when targeting existing customers. If an individual is your customer, chances are that you have earned their trust. Continuing to provide them with quality content will take it a step further. They will come to see you as a thought leader in your industry and will be more likely to make purchases based on your recommendations.
  3. Segment your lists. Just as your target audience of prospects is segmented, your target audience of current customers should be, as well. A good way to make sure that your emails are being read is to tailor those emails to a particular demographic. Research shows that segmented email campaigns have an almost 15 percent greater open rate and get almost 60 percent more clicks than those that are not segmented. The best part is that since these are your customers, you have the data necessary to segment your list. Choose demographics such as age, gender, income, locale, purchase history and more.
  4. Don’t forget the call-to-action. Of course, there is one important thing that all emails-whether they target existing customers or prospects-must contain. A well-written, easy to see call-to-action is critical to getting customers and prospects to take the next step.

Email marketing is a tremendous way to attract and retain customers. The key is to tailor each campaign for the individuals you are targeting.

Ask anyone in the marketing industry today and they will tell you that big data is where it is at. Unfortunately, despite all we know about the importance of using big data to target customer and prospects, few companies are leveraging that data to its full extent.

The fact is, most businesses see big data as simply a way to figure out what a customer will purchase next. And while this is certainly an important piece of information, that is all it is-just one piece. Big data should also be used for a more sustainable competitive edge, namely harnessing that information to create long-term loyalty. After all, if all of your customers are one-and done-buyers, you won’t be in business very long.

So instead of asking what will compel a customer to buy, companies need to ask what will compel a customer to remain loyal to their brand in the long term. For example, if a competitor offers a lower price, what will prevent them from switching to that competitor?

In other words, big data needs to be used to help businesses understand what they can do for their customers instead of the other way around. Doing this involves asking a few questions:

  1. How can I use data to reduce my customers or prospects costs or risks? Testimonials and reviews are increasingly important to consumers. That’s because people want to know what others in their situation gained from going with a particular vendor, be it a hotel chain, a dry cleaner or a daycare provider. If I can provide those cost- or risk-cutting measure that people are looking for, then I would be providing value that other companies are not.
  2. Is there something people are looking for that is not currently available? Think of companies that have been widely successful doing something we all feel we should have thought of. No matter what you sell, there is undoubtedly a better way to sell it. One example would be insurance companies that began selling their products online. Is there a better way to give the people what they want? Your customer data will likely offer many clues.
  3. No matter how different my customers or prospects may seem from each other, is there something that they all have in common?
    Collecting information from a wide-range of customers or prospects can allow you to pinpoint specific traits of a particular customer.

If your business uses Twitter to connect with customers and prospects, you probably know that you can now use 280 characters per tweet. What you may not know is what exactly that means for your Twitter marketing strategy.

Many businesses are under the mistaken impression that more characters simply allow them to say more of the same thing. The truth is, these extra characters, when used correctly, can boost engagement. The key is to know how to use them to your advantage. What follows are some simple ways to make every extra character count:

  1. Include additional information. The 140-character limit usually meant you had a choice to inform or to make an offer. Now you can do both. This makes your tweets twice as valuable to customers.
  2. Express yourself. Let’s face it, there is only so much you can say in 140 characters so your use of the language was pretty limited. The higher character count allows you to be more expressive and creative, making your tweets more compelling to readers because you are able to appeal to their emotions.
  3. Increase readability. Line and sentence breaks were once considered a waste of valuable Twitter characters, making tweets difficult to read. Now you can write in a manner that is easier to understand and one that would make your high school English teacher proud!

While you will be writing more content per tweet, you will likely find that these tweets will actually take less time to compose. That’s because trying to fit what you wanted to say in 140 characters took a lot of editing and re-editing. Longer tweets allow you to say what you want to say without forcing you to spend valuable time deciding what you needed to leave out in order to come in under the character count.

Finally, when you customers and prospects connect with you via Twitter, you can actually engage with them in a more impactful way. Since so many people use Twitter to comment on customer service these extra characters will go a long way toward allowing you to get your point across when you reply.

Longer tweets mean more visibility and visibility is what social media is all about. Twitter’s increased character limits, when used to their full advantage, will help your brand be better seen and heard by customers and prospects.

If you have never considered a pay-per-click B2B marketing campaign, you are not alone. Many people today still believe that PPC is only appropriate for B2C.

The truth is that PPC can work equally as well for B2B marketing. The key is to keep in mind that B2B campaigns typically take more time to be successful. Remember, the B2B sales cycle is longer than the typical B2C sales cycle so it makes sense that a B2B PPC campaign will take more time to demonstrate its true ROI.

If you have decided give PPC for B2B a try, chances are you will be happy with the results. However, there are some things you need to understand before you launch such a campaign:

    1. It’s about more than just conversions. While conversions are the most important element of B2C campaigns, when it comes to B2B PPC campaigns you need to focus on more than just conversions. You also need to pay close attention to where your leads are originating from and what keywords are the most successful.
    1. The cost-per-acquisition is higher for B2B. It can be tempting to invest in cheaper keywords to keep costs down but since B2B keywords are more expensive, you need to be willing to make a larger investment in those keywords. By concentrating on the keywords that will lead to closed sales, even if they cost more, your campaign will be more successful in the long run.
    1. Tracking data is the key to success. By carefully tracking your PPC campaigns you will be better able to determine what you need to concentrate on moving forward. Conversion rates help to pinpoint how many leads you need to generate to close a particular number of sales. By tracking this information you will be able to more accurately determine how much you need to budget in keyword costs to meet your future sales goals.
  1. Precision counts. B2B PPC campaigns always need to be organized in tight ad groups that include similar keywords. Broad campaigns often mix expensive keywords with cheaper ones and make it hard to tell which keywords worked the best.

Running a successful B2B PPC campaign is much more challenging than a B2C campaign. That’s because many elements of a B2B campaign are not as straightforward. However, B2B PPC campaigns are definitely worth the time and investment because when done correctly they can pay off in the form of increased sales.

Your website has the power to be your best salesperson – but not if you are using the wrong keywords. Keywords are the crucial element in making sure that your website ranks high on search engine result pages, after all.

While everyone knows about SEO, not everyone is exactly sure how to choose the right keywords. If you are just now getting into the SEO game it can be especially daunting.

It helps to keep in mind that when it comes to choosing keywords, you goal is to figure out what keywords your potential customers are using to search for your products and services and then connect your website to those keywords. You also should keep in mind the following:

  1. It’s important to size up the competition. What are they blogging about? What do their landing pages look like? Are there particular keywords that appear repeatedly in their copy? If their website shows up on the first page of search results you will know the keywords they are using get noticed.
  2. Generic keywords don’t work. Keywords do not have to be just one word. In fact, it’s probably better if they aren’t. A little specificity goes a long way. For example, if you sell floor coverings, “tile” or “carpet” are going to be pretty competitive words and probably won’t do you a lot of good. Instead, focus on more descriptive phrases such as “porcelain floor tile” or “laminate wood flooring.”
  3. Testing is essential. You need to test how particular keywords work. You may be surprised to learn how a slight change in words or word order can make a significant difference. If you don’t test, however, you will never know which combinations work better than others.
  4. Region-specific keywords can make a big impact. When you add your city and state as keyword phrases, as well as the address of your business, this lets the search engines know you serve that market. This will help to drive local traffic to your site.

Coming up with an initial set of keywords can be a lot of work. And the fact is, you probably won’t get it right the first time. However, it does get easier over time since you will have a baseline for knowing what works and what doesn’t work. The key to success is to always pay close attention to how your website is ranking on search engine result pages. That way you can make the changes necessary to excel at SEO.