Five Reasons Why Outsourced Marketing is the New Marketing Strategy
Five Reasons Why Outsourced Marketing is the New Marketing Strategy When asking customers what their biggest opportunities and challenges for growth are, the responses are interesting because the opportunities are also the biggest challenges:
■ There are more buyers, but buyers are changing their buying habits
■ Markets are growing, but new competitors pop up every day
■ The new workforce has tech know-how, but how they view the workplace is changing To top it off, new marketing tools are being invented daily. Trying to stay on top of these changes, learn new tools, and conduct day to day business is a challenge. We get it.
To help our clients manage these challenges and take advantage of new opportunities, we are launching a new service, LeadGen Compass. It is an outsourced marketing function designed to help your company understand changes to buyer’s decision making, stay in front of the competition, and work with your young digital-savvy staff to generate new sales leads. In this webinar we’ll cover five reasons why outsourced marketing is the new marketing strategy.
Attendees will learn:
■ How an outsourced solution speeds up results
■ Why an outsourced solution is part of a process, not an event
■ The best time to bring in outsourced help
■ Where an outsourced solution works and where it doesn’t
■ Easy ways for busy people to manage outsourced resources Attendees will hear actual client stories about successfully using outsourcing staff, we’ll talk about outsourcing freelancers on networks like Upwork, and discuss outsourcing a coaching relationship via consultants. Plus, we’ll share tools to manage any form of outsourcing.