One of the factors critical to your success in the workplace is your emotional intelligence (EQ). Researchers have found that people with high EQ perform better and make more money than those with low EQ.
EQ is defined, in part, as the ability to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. In order to reap the benefits of a high EQ, however, you must be genuine, as well. In fact, as Travis Bradberry writes in his article, 12 Habits of Genuine People, EQ on its own won’t do anything at all when it comes to your job performance.
The article cites a recent study from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington that found people are skeptical of EQ unless the person with EQ is authentic, as well. When it comes to farmers and ranchers, this is particularly true.
Farmers and ranchers have little time for slick salespeople who aren’t genuinely interested in what they need to succeed. While Bradberry’s article doesn’t touch on the Ag industry specifically, it is an important reminder for those who work in that industry.
It’s not enough to just go through the motions, trying to demonstrate qualities that are associated with emotional intelligence. You have to be genuine.
It is easy to see why farmers and ranchers are attracted to salespeople who have a high EQ but are also genuine.
Genuine people know who they are. They are confident enough to be comfortable in their own skin. They are firmly grounded in reality, and they’re truly present in each moment because they’re not trying to figure out someone else’s agenda or worrying about their own.
Bradberry lists the 12 habits of genuine people, including they treat everyone with respect; they are trustworthy; they aren’t driven by ego; and they aren’t hypocrites. If you want to be the best marketer or salesperson you can be, you would be well to develop these habits. Whether you are selling irrigation systems or electronics, without these habits it is unlikely that you will be successful doing it.
Mobile Advertising Critical to Connecting with Customers
BusinessMobile advertising allows businesses to connect with their customers anywhere and anytime. Despite this fact, many businesses have yet to capitalize on this booming trend.
While most businesses have made their websites mobile friendly, many have yet to make the leap into mobile advertising. This is unfortunate since mobile ads make connecting with customers and prospects fast, simple and effective.
Recent marketing studies show that 70 percent of consumers will contact a business after conducting a mobile search. A study by Google also shows that more than 80 percent of smartphone users will check competitor prices before making an in-store purchase.
To illustrate how far mobile advertising has come, consider that many brick-and-mortar stores are now incorporating mobile services into their physical stores. For example, interior GPS tracking allows retailers to offer promotions and information based on what aisle an individual is walking through at any given time.
If you are taking a wait-and-see approach to mobile advertising, don’t! Experts say that the use of mobile advertising is skyrocketing and will continue to explode in the very near future.
If you have yet to formulate a mobile marketing strategy, fear not. Listed below are some of the most essential mobile marketing techniques that you need to implement as soon as possible. By doing so you will be able to grab the attention of current and prospective customers wherever they may be!
Implementing a successful mobile advertising and marketing strategy that evolves with your customers can be challenging but the payoff is huge. Likewise, failing to implement a mobile strategy can have equally devastating consequences for your business.
The Benefits of Multi-Touch Marketing
UncategorizedIf you are overwhelmed at the idea of multi-touch marketing you are not alone. Many business owners are reluctant to embark on this type of marketing campaign. This is unfortunate since multi-touch marketing is easier than you may think. It also is a great way to reach out to prospects and convert sales leads.
With all of the different forms of marketing available today, connecting with customers and prospects has never been easier. Despite this, many business owners are understandably frustrated when they reach out to customers only to receive less than desired results. So how can these results be improved? The answer is multi-touch marketing.
No single marketing technique is 100 percent effective for every prospect. That’s why it is so important to use a combined approach that includes things like direct mail, social media, content marketing, email marketing, and even cold calling.
Research tells us that, on average, it can take eight touches before you start a substantial conversation with a prospect. Multi-touch marketing allows you to get to this point faster and more effectively. In addition to improving a marketing campaign’s performance, multi-touch marketing also allows you to better anticipate your marketing costs; speed up the sales cycle; and streamline your marketing strategy.
When embarking on a multi-touch marketing campaign, it is important to keep the following in mind:
Marketing campaigns that combine elements such as inspiring online content, powerful emails, thought-provoking blogs, social media, and direct mail inevitably involve a greater investment of time and resources. However, it is well worth the effort. These marketing campaigns are also a far better investment than single-touch campaigns because they allow you to better connect with prospects and increase sales.
Emotional Intelligence and Authenticity the Keys to Succeeding at Work
Business, MarketingOne of the factors critical to your success in the workplace is your emotional intelligence (EQ). Researchers have found that people with high EQ perform better and make more money than those with low EQ.
EQ is defined, in part, as the ability to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. In order to reap the benefits of a high EQ, however, you must be genuine, as well. In fact, as Travis Bradberry writes in his article, 12 Habits of Genuine People, EQ on its own won’t do anything at all when it comes to your job performance.
The article cites a recent study from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington that found people are skeptical of EQ unless the person with EQ is authentic, as well. When it comes to farmers and ranchers, this is particularly true.
Farmers and ranchers have little time for slick salespeople who aren’t genuinely interested in what they need to succeed. While Bradberry’s article doesn’t touch on the Ag industry specifically, it is an important reminder for those who work in that industry.
It’s not enough to just go through the motions, trying to demonstrate qualities that are associated with emotional intelligence. You have to be genuine.
It is easy to see why farmers and ranchers are attracted to salespeople who have a high EQ but are also genuine.
Genuine people know who they are. They are confident enough to be comfortable in their own skin. They are firmly grounded in reality, and they’re truly present in each moment because they’re not trying to figure out someone else’s agenda or worrying about their own.
Bradberry lists the 12 habits of genuine people, including they treat everyone with respect; they are trustworthy; they aren’t driven by ego; and they aren’t hypocrites. If you want to be the best marketer or salesperson you can be, you would be well to develop these habits. Whether you are selling irrigation systems or electronics, without these habits it is unlikely that you will be successful doing it.
Can a Robot Write Content that Connects, Educates and Inspires?
Content MarketingLook around stores, restaurants and other businesses and you will see examples of humans being replaced by machines. From self-serve kiosks at the airport to self-checkouts at the grocery store, there are many instances where humans are no longer needed. According to many experts, this is a trend that is here to stay.
But certainly some jobs are machine-proof, right? After all, you can’t expect a robot to write content. Or can you? Writer Suzanne Lucas was so intrigued by this prospect that she decided to find out for herself. In her article, This Post Was Written by a Robot, Lucas discovered that a robot can indeed write content. The problem is, it isn’t very good. Here are a few lines from one robot’s article:
Hiring employees is really a beginning to creating a strong workforce. High employee turnover costs company owners in time and productivity. Offer a competitive rewards package that suits your personnel requires.
That’s not to say that writing-robots are completely useless. For example, Lucas says that such programs or tools can help an inexperienced writer come up with ideas and can offer some options for putting keywords into different contexts. Other than that, let’s just say that Lucas isn’t worried about losing her job to a robot anytime soon.
It’s not a bad deal if you’re willing to do some editing and your focus is on getting content available for search engines. If your focus is on getting people to read, love, and share your content, hire a human.
Quality content connect, educates and inspires. Something a writing-robot has yet to achieve.
How Social is Social Enough?
Social Media