Recent studies show that more than 70 percent of small businesses say that email marketing makes up the majority of their marketing plan. Email is everywhere these days. Whether for personal or business use, almost everyone has an email account. That’s why email marketing makes such good sense – especially for smaller businesses and companies who are unable to afford a multi-media marketing campaign.

In light of this fact, you would think that every small business would be using email to raise awareness of their brand and increase sales. However, many small businesses are under the mistaken impression that implementing an email campaign is more hassle than it’s worth. In reality, however, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective and least complicated forms of marketing you can choose for your business.

What’s more, email marketing offers a better return on investment than almost any other type of marketing strategy. That’s because the money spent on email marketing is minimal compared to other forms of marketing. Think about how much you would spend to produce and air a 30-second radio commercial and it is easy to see why an email campaign makes such good sense.

Email marketing also will boost your company’s social interaction. It allows you to post links to your social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and your customer can share your email with friends, family, and business associates.

Email marketing gives you the ability to track and better understand how your contacts are responding to your emails, as well. This allows you to tailor your emails to meet the needs of your customers in ways that traditional marketing strategies cannot.

If you need to get your message out right away email marketing is definitely the way to go. All you have to do is compose an email and press send. Traditional marketing techniques simply can’t offer that same flexibility.

Once you have begun your email marketing campaign you may be curious if it is working for your business. That’s another advantage of email marketing. The results of email campaigns are easily measured because you receive reports that tell you things like how many people saw your email and how many people clicked on the links in your email.

The more you learn about email marketing, the easier it is to understand why so many small businesses are using it.  Isn’t it time you joined the 70 percent of small businesses who are using it to grow their business?