Take Control During the COVID-19

Small businesses across the nation are facing challenges the likes of which have never been seen. And while it is tempting to just give up in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, it is important to remember that there is help out there. Further, although small business owners may feel as if they have no control over their circumstances, there are ways to take back some control.

CNBC recently posted, 7 Tips for Keeping Your Business Going During the Coronavirus Downturn, which includes advice from a global leader in risk management on steps small business owners can take right now to help turn risk into opportunity:

  1. Care for your people
  2. Build a governance system
  3. Run risk assessments
  4. Push external communications
  5. Assess supply chains
  6. Review operational risks
  7. Use downtime productively


While it is difficult to remain hopeful when everything seems to be going wrong, it is critical to spend some time each day looking for new opportunities for your small business. For help figuring out what these new opportunities may look like or to come up with ways to seize upon them, let GoLeads help. Call us today at (402) 334-1824 or visit www.goleads.com. Follow our blog if you liked this article!