Entries by GoLeads

How to Better Leverage Customer Data

Ask anyone in the marketing industry today and they will tell you that big data is where it is at. Unfortunately, despite all we know about the importance of using big data to target customer and prospects, few companies are leveraging that data to its full extent. The fact is, most businesses see big data […]

What Can a Tweet Do for Your Business? More Than It Used to Do!

If your business uses Twitter to connect with customers and prospects, you probably know that you can now use 280 characters per tweet. What you may not know is what exactly that means for your Twitter marketing strategy. Many businesses are under the mistaken impression that more characters simply allow them to say more of […]

Four Tips for Running an Effective B2B Pay-Per-Click Campaign

If you have never considered a pay-per-click B2B marketing campaign, you are not alone. Many people today still believe that PPC is only appropriate for B2C. The truth is that PPC can work equally as well for B2B marketing. The key is to keep in mind that B2B campaigns typically take more time to be […]

How to Continue to Choose the Right Keywords

Your website has the power to be your best salesperson – but not if you are using the wrong keywords. Keywords are the crucial element in making sure that your website ranks high on search engine result pages, after all. While everyone knows about SEO, not everyone is exactly sure how to choose the right […]

Building a Better AdWords Campaign

AdWords is a great way to market your business and drive traffic to your website. Unfortunately, when not executed correctly, it can also be a huge drain on your marketing budget. This is especially true if AdWords is your principal marketing method. If you want to launch an AdWords campaign and are expecting a big […]