Email lists are an outstanding way to grow your business and can lead to sales conversions. Sending emails to prospects also can help to build relationships. But emails can fall flat, as well, leading to a great deal of frustration, not to mention wasted time and resources.

At GoLeads we help you with email and sale leads strategy

If your emails aren’t getting the response you had hoped, you are probably wondering why. An article in Business Insider, 5 Reasons Your Email Didn’t Get a Response-and How to Make Sure It Does, might help to give you some insight. It lists some of the reasons people don’t respond to emails, including these common ones:

  1. They are too vague
  2. They are really long (or too short)
  3. They are generic

If you are looking to send emails that get opened and convert, GoLeads can help. Give us a call at 402-334-1824.